Beneficiaries of Protection

This section provides data on the persons that have been granted positive decisions on their applications for international protection. This section also includes data on beneficiaries of temporary protection.

Beneficiaries of International Protection in Greece

  • Data pertains to the active residence permits of beneficiaries of international protection (refugee status and subsidiary protection) in December of each year.
  • Permit holder numbers may differ from positive decisions due to a temporal gap between the issuance of the decisions and the issuance of the permit.
  • No public data is available for active residence permits from previous years or the distribution between international and subsidiary protection beneficiaries.

Main Nationalities of Beneficiaries of International Protection

Data pertains to the active permits in December of each year. There are no publicly available data for the years before 2022.

Beneficiaries of Temporary Protection in Greece

Information concerns active temporary protection permits at the end of each month.

Beneficiaries of Temporary Protection in Greece, per Nationality

The data refer to the beneficiaries of temporary protection, in December of each year.

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